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Ignoring files#

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In some situations, you may want to ignore or exclude files from the Codacy analysis.

To exclude files from your repository analysis open your repository Settings, tab Ignored Files, and select the files you want to ignore. This view only shows the files on your main branch.

Ignored files


  • See below the files that Codacy ignores by default.

  • You can also ignore files using your own tool configuration files, although this depends on the option being supported by each tool.

  • To exclude files from coverage analysis only, you must ignore them directly in the tool you're using to generate coverage reports and ensure that the reports you upload to Codacy don't include coverage information for those files.

If you need more flexibility in ignoring files, use a Codacy configuration file to define a custom list of file paths to exclude.


If your repository has a Codacy configuration file, the Ignored files settings defined on the Codacy UI don't apply and you must ignore files using the configuration file instead.

Ignored files

Default ignored files#

By default, Codacy ignores all the files that match the regular expressions below. If you need to analyze files that match these regular expressions, use a Codacy configuration file to define a custom list of file paths to include.


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Last modified June 18, 2024